Saturday, December 5, 2015

Romeo and Juliet Alternate Ending

Scene 1. Juliet goes to Friar Laurence to consult about the situation

Juliet: Friar, I heard what happened to Romeo. My love’s too far away from me. I can’t live without him. Till night will I be a Montague. When morrow comes I’ll be wed to Count Paris. I can’t. Oh Friar, please help me.
Friar Lawrence: Juliet calm down. We can find a way to be with your love.
Juliet: I do not know what to do Friar. Please help me.
Friar Lawrence: I know now, tomorrow when the clock strikes at 3 in the morning you should come here.
Juliet: How? The guards will be awake.
Friar Lawrence: All of your people shall be busy for your wedding tomorrow. It’ll be easy to sneak out.
Juliet: Oh, what an awful event. I would come tomorrow Friar.
Friar Lawrence: Good daughter, now go home. You should sleep and prepare tomorrow.
Juliet: Thank you Friar.

Scene 2. Romeo at Mantua

Romeo: Tomorrow, my love would be wed to a kinsman. If I could just defy Prince Escalus. Her waterfall of jet black hair, her ivory skin, those pair of mesmerizing eyes, her cute small nose and her sweet lips. Those shall not be mine tomorrow. My love till forever.

Scene 3. Juliet at her room

Nurse enters

Nurse: Juliet, why are you still up? Its already late. You should sleep.
Juliet: Nurse I can’t, especially when I know that when I open my eyes I’ll be someone else’s wife.
Nurse: I have a plan, tomorrow a quarter before three, I and other servants will get the tablecloths. Dress up like on of us. It’ll be easy afterwards. Now sleep, I would wake you up.
Juliet: I trust in you nurse. Please I need to be with my love.
Nurse: I know, I know. Now sleep.

Nurse leaves Juliet’s room.

Scene 4: The Monastery

Friar: Almighty Father, please guide the star-crossed lovers and help us do the plan. Whatever happens I know that you have a plan for them.

Scene 5: Juliet Sneaks out I

Nurse: Juliet wake up. Tis time for you to prepare to sneak. Here, wear this. Make sure you ruffle your hair so you won’t be recognized.
Juliet: Give me a minute. Thank you so much Nurse.
Juliet finishes to wear the clothes

Nurse: Now let me see.
Juliet: Where’d you get this Nurse? It fits fine.
Nurse: You don’t need to know. But how come you’re still pretty? I told you to ruffle your hair.
Nurse ruffles Juliet’s hair.
Juliet: Aww
Nurse: There you kind of looks like a servant. No let’s go and get the cloths.

Scene 6: Juliet Sneaks out II
Nurse: Sir, will you please let us through? We were asked to deliver this to the wedding reception.
Guard: With all these servants? Is it necessary to bring them?
Nurse: Silly, of course! Capulet’s only daughter would be wed tomorrow will be wed. A lot of people will come. We’re getting late, up to this time I could tell Lady Capulet is now pissed off of what takes us long. Especially if she knew that a guard won’t let us through for having multiple servants to carry the cloths.
Guard: Fine, you may now pass.

Scene 7: Juliet Sneaks Out III

The group already passed and got out of the front door

Juliet: You really are clever Nurse.
Nurse: I am indeed. Now you see that table, place you cloth their and there’s a secret way there and flee.
Juliet: Oh! Thank you Nurse. Goodbye.
Nurse: Go, live with your love and be happy.

Scene 8: Juliet at the Monastery with Friar Lawrence

Friar Lawrence: Its already past 3, when will she come here? Did she fail to sneak out of the mansion? What shall I do?
Juliet: *pants* Friar Lawrence! I am sorry I’m late.
Friar Lawrence: Thank the Lord you came. I was worried.
Juliet: I’m sorry I was bit delayed. I needed to disguise as a servant in order to sneak out.
Friar Lawrence: A servant? What a brilliant idea! You are such a clever girl.
Juliet: Actually it was Nurse who thought of it.
Friar Lawrence: My bad! The two of you are both clever. Now, let’s go. I’ve prepared my stallion Milo for our journey. Did you not bring any clothes?
Juliet: For the time being, I was not focused with those things. I just want to be with Romeo.
Friar Lawrence and Juliet arrives at the Stable
Friar Lawrence: Here comes Milo. Milo meet Juliet. *Milo neighs*
Juliet: *Juliet touches Milo's face* Hi Milo. You are such a beautiful horse. Will you help me go to Romeo? *horse neighs*

Friar Lawrence: He likes pretty girls. Now hop on him and lets go to Romeo.

Scene 9: The Discovery

Lady Capulet: Now is the day of our daughter's wedding. I am so excited.
Lord Capulet: Milady, I always knew this day would come and our daughter will wed a man. Now I shall prepare. You should too my love.
Lady Capulet: Of course my love. Lord Capulet leaves the room. You (points to a servant) wake my Juliet and prepare her. And now make my hair pretty Mona.
Mona: Yes Madam.

The servant who Lady Capulet asked to prepare Juliet came back

Servant: Lady Capulet, I shall deliver a bad news.
Lady Capulet: What is it?
Servant: Lady Juliet could not be found in her room.
Lady Capulet: Pardon?! How could that happen? Tell the guards to search for her in an instant. Mona, make it faster. 

Scene 10.  Arrival at Mantua

Friar Lawrence: Here we are. Go and surprise you love. As for me, I shall come back to the monastery.
Juliet: Thank you so much Friar Lawrence. No words can be fit to describe how grateful I am to you. I will remember this forever.
Friar Lawrence: Go! Romeo's waiting for you.
*Juliet rushes to the porch*
Juliet: Romeo! Romeo!
(Romeo is currently is sitting at the balcony when he heard a voice).
Romeo: Am I hearing right? Tis' my love;s voice. I am not mistaken. Tis' voice is my Juliet's. *rushes to open the front door*
Juliet: Romeo!
Romeo: Juliet! My love. *he grabs Juliet and hugs her* Ho-how? Oh! You don't know how much I longed for you. 
Juliet: I miss your kisses Romeo. Why won't you show me how much longing for me is?
Romeo: *chuckles* Gladly

(They are currently sitting in the sofa at the living room)

Juliet: I'm glad you stay in a nice house and you are safe.
Romeo: Why's that?
Juliet: I was just worried.
Romeo: *shifts his seat and holds Juliet's face* I swear, I love your presence here but today shall be you wed-
*Juliet places her finger on Romeo's lips to shut him up*
Juliet: Sshh. Let's not talk about it now. What's important is that we are together. Probably my mother would have told all the guards to search for me in the vicinity. And as for Count Paris, I wish he could found a woman who can return his love. *Juliet leans her head to Romeo's chest* I love you Romeo.
Romeo: *kisses Juliet's head* I love you more Juliet. 

Scene 11: Total Chaos

Lord Capulet: What's this chaos?! Can someone explain to me why everyone's running around instead of preparing for the wedding. 
Lady Capulet: Honey, its Juliet.
(Paris enters)
Paris: What happened to my love?
Lady Capulet: She cannot be found. I checked her room and she is not in there. I've told every guards and they cannot find her in the vicinity. 
Paris: What? What about the wedding? We need to find her.
Lord Capulet: The wedding is not important right now. We should fine Juliet first before that wedding.
Paris. B-but.
Lord Capulet: If you want to help us searching for her, better get your people and go.
(Paris leaves)
Lady Capulet: Oh honey. What have we done? Why would she leave? Did we do something wrong? My poor baby.
Lord Capulet: We can find her honey.

Three days after Juliet left Verona

Scene 12: Decision

Romeo: Baby, don't you think you need to inform your parents that you are safe? I'm sure they are worried for you so much and they miss you. 
Juliet: I don't want to. Let's say even if I would like to, I know that when I go back they'll force me to marry Count Paris. I don't like that at all.
Romeo: Either I, but they are still you're parents. Don't you miss them?
Juliet: I do but
Romeo: What if let's go there together. Let's tell them about us. Maybe its the right time for our families to stop the feud. 
Juliet: Okay

Scene 13: Ridiculous Imputation

Lord Capulet: Montague! I know you took my daughter. Come out! Bring her back!
Balatazar: What is this ridiculous imputation of yours. You don't even have an evidence.
Lord Capulet: Shut up! You are just a servant. I want you master now! Montague!
Lord Montague: What's this noise? Capulet! What are you doing here? Who do you think you are for barging here without my permission?
Lord Capulet: I know you're the one who took Juliet! Bring her back!
Lord Montague: And where does this came from? That's ridiculous!
Lord Capulet: Liar

(The Capulets and the Montagues would have fought but was interrupted when they heard this)

Verona Citizen: Here comes Romeo!
Lord Monatague: Romeo?

(Romeo hops off the horse and the people saw Juliet. Gasps came form the people)

Lord Capulet: Juliet?

(Romeo helps Juliet to hop off the horse)

Lord Capulet: You rascal! Why take her?
Lord Montague: What? He was exiled to Mantua even before Juliet went missing. How could he take her?

Scene 14: Where everything got clear

Romeo: Please stop! It was true I was exiled to Mantua before Juliet came after me. 
Capulets: What?
Juliet: I am truly sorry father but I cannot stay there when my love is far away from me. After that I can't marry a man I don't love especially when I'm already married.
Juliet: Count Paris, you are a gentleman but you shall understand that I don't love you. I love Romeo besides I'm already a wife. Father you should understand that I left and the Montagues are out of this. So please stop blaming them.
Lord Capulet: Married? Who would wed the two of you.
Friar Lawrence: It was me. Why would I be a hindrance between the two of them. It can clearly be seen that they love each other. That's their wish, I granted it.

(Prince Escalus arrives)

Prince Escalus: What is this commotion? Romeo! Juliet? How? (a kinsman tells him everything) Oh. I see.
Romeo: Good morrow Prince. I'm sorry if I disobeyed your rule but I can't just stay when I know that our families are close to killing each other.
Prince Escalus: I see. So now, Montagues and Capulets this shall be enough reason for the two of you to stop this feud. Be friend and help me maintain the peace and order here.
Lady Capulet: Juliet, will Romeo make you truly happy?
Juliet: Yes Mother. My love for him is like your's with father's. Father please for me.
Lord Capulet: *sighs* Any for you. Now Montague lets et along okay?
Lord Montague: *chuckles* Capulet lets get along nice and well,

(Other people cheers)

Romeo: Now the problem is solved
Juliet: I'm happy we went back.

The two families started to get along and they live happily ever after. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

K to 12: Profitable or Not?

   Philippines is one of the countries popular for valuing education. Filipinos respect and value education. There's even a saying coming from Filipino parents that states that a child should study well because that's all they can pass on him. This saying lone proves the importance of education to Filipinos. Filipinos do love education but there are families with lower class living status that have problems with the aspect. Some young adults especially incoming college freshmen could not enroll to universities because of unlucky instances. This factor further affects the country's development. To improve the country's educational system the Department of Education proposed the K to 12 Education System. What is the K to 12 Education System?

K to 12 is a pioneering education system. It is a program that covers 13 years of basic education. Its stages are from Kinder to Grade 3, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Grade 7 to Grade 10, and Grade 11 to Grade 12. Furthermore, a student who wants to admit to Grade 1 will not be accepted if he hasn't been in kindergarten, especially with an inappropriate age. He is required to take kindergarten to step to the 1st grade. Another 2 years will be added in the secondary level which serves as the senior high school. It is a part of the President's Educational Reform Program. This program aims to uplift the quality of education in the country for better employment. The program aims to fully enhance and develop for them to be well-prepared.

With the implementation of the K to 12 Education System there are three main pro arguments. First of these is to enhance the quality of our education. "The Philippines ranks a poor seventh among nine Southeast Asian nations in the area of education and innovation" (Luz,2011). The article taken from ABS-CBN News states that the Philippine is ranked 99thout of 138 nations in the area of primary education. Then is ranked 69th in the Educational system, 112th in science and math and 76th in Internet Access. With these facts on our faces it is a good choice to use K to 12 to further improve our education. It also sets higher standards and will add students' knowledge. The second one is to be ready for a living. The additional two years on the secondary level is not just put there for nothing. The Senior High School offers specializations which the student will choose from. It includes enhancing one's technical skills which will be a big help in the future. Also, with the previous curriculum a student finishes high school at the age of 16 which is too young to work. The last agreement is that to "lessen" the weight of work into a student's shoulders. So that the 12 years content of the education is not crammed into 10 years. (Cruz,2010)

With three pro arguments there are also three counterarguments. First one is MONEY. Let's face not all Filipinos can afford the additional two years of education. People already complain about their basic necessities and they think this is just an extra burden on their shoulders.The second one is the lack of classrooms and learning materials. We all know too well that our country is in lack of classroom and the books aren't in 1:1 ratio. Even if the government announces the construction of additional classrooms, would it be built the next school year? The third and last one is the lack of schools that offers Senior High School. What if there is a student wants this particular career track but there's no nearby school that offers it? He would be forced to enroll to an unwanted career track. The student's capability would not be enhanced properly therefore one of the objectives of the program is not met.

These arguments, whether good or bad, are good points for the K to 12 Curriculum but I am for this program. I believe that it will help me enhance my strengths and improve my weaknesses. I also feel that because there are more profits the cons are outweighed. It would sure be an additional bill but it would be worth it if a child would be successful and achieve his dream.