Monday, February 8, 2016

How to be successful?


Success is defined as an accomplishment of an aim or purpose. 
It's a word that I'm sure everyone wants and dreams. A common aim for all the creatures and yes even the animals. 

But how do we exactly be successful or achieve success? Well for me, there are only few steps to achieve it.

Steps to achieve SUCCESS!

Step 1. Have an aim.
   Based on the definition of success, it is an accomplishment of an aim so first have an aim. An aim is something you really want. In making an aim, make sure you will benefit in it and then help others.

Step 2.. Visualize your success
For this step, your imagination should be creative and precised. You should think of yourself in the position you want. The more precise you imagine your success the easier it is for you to do it.

Step 3. Know the skills you need to achieve your aim.
You need to know these things for you to enhance yourself and be better. It would also inspire to improve so that you can achieve your aim and be successful.

Step 4. Set a timeline for your aim.
Whether it's within a month, a year or even for the next 5 - 10 years you need to set a timeline to achieve your aim. Having a timeline helps you to be more in track to your aim. Make sure this timeline i totally doable.

Step 5. Stay away from distractions.
If you want to achieve this aim you should be focused. As much as possible focus of your aim and do not be distracted.

Step 6. Be an Independent Problem Solver
Aiming for something will lead you to anything, especially problems. You need to know how to conquer and solve it. Do not rely on others in solving your own problem because in reality you will go through this aim alone.

Step 7. Be on the Bright Side!
DO NOT forget to be Optimistic!

These are my steps in being successful. I hope it'll help you ;) Happy Chinese New Year!

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